Contact us for a FREE Safety Study
Keeping Burglars Out?
For more than 20 years, Inbraaksafe employees have been keeping potential burglars out of homes, businesses and vehicles.Inbraaksafe: The specialists in mechanical and electromechanical security in Belgium.
We will help you in the English language as good as possible
You can contact us for window security, glass security, door security, sliding window security, sliding door security, garage door security, electromechanical security and even for the security of your (commercial) vehicle.
Would you rather have an Alarm? Camera? Fire protection? Access control?
We listen to your wishes, and together we find the solution and the ideal alarm installer to work with in your region.
We work with partners who can guarantee you a permanent service afterwards.
So get to know our services and discover with your own eyes (and ears) how Inbraaksafe can significantly improve the quality of life for you and your family during a FREE security study at your home. Our security advisor will work with you to identify the weak points of your property and, if desired, offer you advice and a non-binding quote.
If you are interested, fill in the contact form below and we will contact you as soon as possible to make an appointment.
For other questions or advice, do not hesitate to contact us during office hours trough the toll-free number 0800 / 12 0 12

Hulp nodig?
We helpen u asap verder via 0477/541412 (Wilfried)
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